36 research outputs found

    TheEffecntof Giving Furfures Soybean Tempeh NuggetTowardReducing Cholesterol Levelof White RatBlood(RattusNorvegicus) Hypercholesterolemia

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    Abstract. Coronary heart disease becomes a major cause of death because of the increase of cholesterol level in blood.Tempe and bekatulare said to be able to reduce blood fat levels. Problem: Howis the effect of Furfures Soybean TempeNugget oncholesterol levels of white ratRattusnurvegicushypercholesterolemiablood.Objective: To demonstrate the effect of Furfures Soybean Nugget on cholesterol levels of white rats Rattusnurvegicus hypercholesterolemia blood.Method: using laboratory experimental design with Randomizet Pre and Post Contro -group Only in hypercholesterolemia mice. The micewere given nugget 25%, 50%, 75% and Controlled for 21 days. The statistical analysis in this study was different test of Anova (analysis of varian) and continued with Benferoni test. The result shows that there is a significant gap of decreasing cholesterol level between controlled group with treatment 1, 2, 3 but it was not significant between the treatment 1,2 and 3. It can be concluded that giving Furfures Soybean Nugget can reduce cholesterol level in blood when it compared with not given treatment. Reducing cholesterol level with 1, 2, 3 treatmentsare not different significantly


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    Latar Belakang: Bakso merupakan salah satu dari makanan sepinggan yang sangat populer dan digemari oleh masyarakat Ampas tahu digolongkan dalam limbah industri hasil pertanian yaitu barang sisa proses hasil pertanian yang dibuang karena dipandang tidak mempunyai nilai ekonomi, mudah rusak dan akan menjadi sarang bakteri pembusuk jika dibuang sembarangan. Bila dilihat dari nilai gizinya ampas tahu masih mempunyai kandungan protein yang cukup tinggiTujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar zat gizi ( protein dan lemak ),  cemaran logam ( tembaga dan timbal), dan organoleptik pada bakso dengan berbagai variasi substitusi ampas tahu Metode : Penelitian ini dilakukan analisa kadar protein menggunakan Mikro Kjedal, kadar lemak  menggunakan Metode Soxhlet sedangkan Kadar tembaga( Cu) dan timbal ( Pb)   dibaca absorbansinya dengan AAS, kadar Pb pada panjang gelombang 293, nm dan Cu pada panjang gelombang 324,7 nm. Hasil : Hasil analisa  menunjukkan semakin banyak  substitusi ampas tahu semakin  tinggi kadar protein, dan semakin rendah kadar lemaknya. Analisa  statistic  dengan uji Anova menunjukkan hasil ada pengaruh substitusi ampas  tahu terhadap kadar protein dan kadar lemaknya .Sedangkan hasil analisa kadar timbal dan tembaga lebih rendah dibandingkan kadar timbal dan tembaga maksimum yang diperbolehkan SNI No.01-3818-1995.Analisa statistik dengan uji Anova menunjukkan ada pengaruh substitusi ampas tahu terhadap  kadar timbal dan tidak ada pengaruh substitusi ampas tahu terhadap kadar tembaga. Penilaian organoleptik dengan 25 panelis menunjukkan citarasa yang paling disukai adalah bakso dengan substitusi ampas tahu 30%. Uji Friedmen untuk analisa organoleptik menunjukkan ada pengaruh kualitas bakso dari aspek warna sedangkan dari aspek rasa, aroma dan rasa tidak ada pengaru


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    Diare adalah suatu keadaan abnormal dari pengeluaran berak dengan frekuensi tiga kali atau lebih dengan melihat konsisten lembek, cair sampai dengan atau tanpa darah dan lendir dalam tinja. Diare berhubungan dengan berbagai macam faktor yang mempengaruhinya yaitu : faktor makan, faktor infeksi, faktor psikis dan faktor lingkungan.Tujuan penelitian : menganalisis hubungan kebiasaan cuci tangan dan sanitasi makanan dengan kejadian diare pada Anak SD Negeri Podo 2 Kecamatan Kedungwuni Kabupaten Pekalongan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis explanatory research, pendekatan belah lintang ( crossectinal ). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua anak yang terdaftar dan masih aktif sebagai siswa-siswi kelas IV, Vdan VI. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara simple random sampling,sebanyak 50 anak diambil sebagai sampel.Hasil: penelitian menunujukkan bahwa kebiasaan cuci tangan yang tergolong terbiasa cuci tangan sebanyak 47 anak ( 94,0% ), dan tidak terbiasa cuci tangan sebanyak 3 anak ( 6,0% ). sanitasi makanan yang tergolong baik sebanyak 21 keluarga ( 42,0%), dan tergolong kurang sebanyak 29 keluarga (58,0% ). Anak SD yang tidak menderita diare dalam satu bulanterakhir sebanyak 48 anak ( 96,0% ), sedangkan anak SD yang menderita diare dalam satu bulan terakhir sebanyak 2 anak (4,0% ).Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan kebiasaan cuci tangan dengan kejadian diare dan tidak ada hubungan sanitasi makanan dengan kejadian diareKata kunci : cuci tangan , sanitasi makanan, kejadian diare, anak S

    Pengaruh Penambahan Bekatul Terhadap Kadar Protein Dan Sifat Organoleptik Biskuit (the Influence of Addition of Rice Bran to Protein Consentration and Organoleptic Characteristic)

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    Rice bran for people deemed to have low social value and is only used as animal feed ingredients. Rice bran contains high protein, can be used as food that is safe and cheap. Use of rice bran to increase the quality or value-added of the biscuit. General aim of this study to determine the effect of adding rice bran to protein content and organoleptic characteristic. Protein analysis by the method mikrokjeldhal. Results of analysis of protein content in rice bran biscuit with the addition of 0% (9.34 g%), 5% (10.06 g%), 10% (10.74 g%), 15% (11.6 gr%) and 20 % (13.66 g%). statistical test results show that there are differences in levels of protein biscuits in a variety of additional rice brand. Favorite level of texture, color, aroma, and taste showed that the highest value on the addition of bran 0% and 5%

    Hubungan Asupan Protein Dengan Kadar Ureum, Kreatinin, dan Kadar Hemoglobin Darah pada Penderita Gagal Ginjal Kronik Hemodialisa Rawat Jalan Di RS Tugurejo Semarang

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    Chronic renal failure or end-stage renal disease is a progressive destruction of kidney structure and continuously. Renal function that can not be recovered where the body's ability to maintain metabolic balance, and fluid electrolyte failure, which led to uremia (Elizabeth, 2009). The purpose of this study was to determine the "Relationship with Protein Intake Levels of urea, creatinine and Hb Levels in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure in the Outpatient Hemodialysis Tugurejo Hospital Semarang" This type of research is Clinical Nutrition descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. Population in this study were all out patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis at Tugurejo Hospital, Semarang. The research was done at June-July 2013. the criteria of patient are had urea levels> 40 g / dl and creatinine levels > 1.3 g /dl, able to communicate, aged 17 years old and above, we gained the sample as many as 35 pasient.  To collecting the data, we used interview  with food frequency tools. To test the correlation between protein intake and levels of urea, creatinin, blood hemoglobin level, we  used the Rank Spearman test and  to tested  the normality of data we used the kolmogorov-smirnov test The results showed that there are 21 (60,0%)  patients with kidney failure are  male  more than female. The  aged of 41-60 years old are  17 pasient  (48.6%), pasient with  normal nutritional status are 17 people (48.6%).  The average of protein intake is 80,02 gram per day. All of patient (100%) have  blood urea levels over than the normal level. and the blood creatinine levels likewise all of patient ,  men (20 patient) and  women (14 patient) have blood Hb level  in the category entirely lacking. Statistical test result showed that there are  a corelation between protein intake with the levels of urea (p value 0,019 <0,05),  protein intake with the level of  kreatinin (p value 0,044<0,05), and protein intake with the Hb levels (p value 0,024< 0,05

    Kadar Air dan Warna Penyedap Alami Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Berdasarkan Perlakuan Awal (Pre-treatment)

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    Flavoring seasonings are food additives added with the aim of increasing flavor(palatability) and covering up deficiencies in food in terms of taste. The natural glutamatecontent of mushrooms has the potential to be used as a flavoring ingredient, one of which isoyster mushrooms. The quality of natural flavoring of oyster mushrooms is determined by theformula of the ingredients and the way they are produced. The drying process can affect thewater content and color of seasoning.  This study aims to determine the water content and natural flavoring of oystermushrooms based on initial treatment. This study was an experimental study using aCompletely Randomized Design with 6 treatment trials (non-blanching, blanching, sodiumbisulfite immersion, citric acid immersion, blanching + sodium bisulfite immersion, andblanching + citric acid immersion), and 3 test replications. The moisture content test wasperformed by the AOAC oven method and color analysis was measured using Konica MinoltaCR-10 Color Reader. Observational data were analyzed using univariate analysis.  The results showed that the initial treatment had a tendency to increase water content.Moisture content for all samples based on pretreatment meets the quality criteria for dryproducts that is 10%. The results of the color analysis showed an increase in the value of eachtreatment but did not show any real difference in color. The treatment using sodium bisulfiteimmersion and blanching showed an increase in brightness intensity and a good chroma valuecategory compared to the control value. Based on Hue value in each treatment has the samecolor scheme, namely yellow – red. OKeywords: Oyster mushroom, Water Content, Color, Pre treatment, blanchin

    Hubungan Konsumsi Makanan Sumber Lemak, Karbohidrat dan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Rasio Lingkar Pinggang Panggul (RLPP) pada Pengemudi Truk PO. Agm Kudus

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    Fat deposits in the abdominal cavity that is known to be technically able to see thevalue of the waist circumference to hip circumference or better known as the waist -hip circumference ratio ( RLPP ). Waist hip circumference ratio values that reflect how many high fat deposits in the abdominal cavity. Consumption of fatty foods can increase hip and waist circumference weight. Decline in physical activity is also related to increased waist circumference. The general aim of this study is the relationship of food resource consumption of fats, carbohydrates and physical activity with waist belt circumference ratio ( RLPP ) at teamster PO AGM Kudus.  Type Explanatory research is research with cross- shopping approach ( crossectional ). Total sample of 30 teamsters PO. AGM. Not possible extraction of samples for all units studied population. Normality test data using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test processed using a computer program SPSS version 18.0.  Test used is the Spearman Rank Test. The results showed that 53.3 % of respondents age 36-45 years, 56.7 % high school education/MA, 70 % fat consumption level more categories, 53.3 % carbohydrate consumption level of good category, 63.3 % physical activity categories are, and a 90 % ratio of waist circumference risk of hip degenerative disease category.   Conclusion that there is relationship between fat consumption level with waist hip circumference ratio ( p-value = 0,004 ), there was no relationship between the level of carbohydrate consumption with waist hip circumference ratio ( p-value = 0,326 ), and thereis no relationship between physical activity with the rate at Waist belt circumference ( p-value = 0,064 ). The teamster to eat a balanced diet, especially foods that contain energy and carbohydrate source, source of protein, fat source, and the source of other micronutrients needed enough. This is to support the teamster physical activity and prevent the risk of degenerative diseases.Key word : fat intake, carbohidrat intake, physical activity, waist circumference to hip circumferenc